Dr. Richard Witzig visited Pakistan on invitation of Bridge from April 16th to 27th, 2008. During this period he visited Chandka Medical College, Moen-Jo-Daro 4000 years old Indus Civilization, Quetta, Aga Khan University, Meeting with faculty of Community Health Sciences AKU,
Lecture at Aga Khan University (Emerging Infectious Diseases), Karachi University (Meeting with HEJ Research Institute), Meeting with Dr. Adeeb Rizvi at SIUT, Meeting with Vice Chancellor of DUHS, Visit to Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Lecture at DUHS.
Dr. Jia visited Pakistan on invitation of Bridge in Mar 2007 and Nov 2008. During her visit in November 2008 she attended International Symposium on Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Celebrating 100 years of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10th -13th Nov 2008,
at Aga Khan University, Karachi. During her visit in March 2007 she had a meeting with Dr. Imtiaz Jehan and her team (IMCHRT), visited Female Sex Workers Project, visited IDUs Project (Harm Reduction) at Marie Adelaide Burns Road, visited MCH Centre,
meeting with Dr. Sharaf Ali Shsh and Grant Writing Workshop at DUHS.
DR.JK MANIAR From Mumbai India
Topic: "Anti-Retroviral Treatment of HIV/AIDS Indian Experience" Venue: PC Hotel Karachi Date: 30th August 2005
Topic: "Importance of Infection Control Practices at Health Care Facilities" Venue: PC Hotel Bhurban Murree Date: May 27-29-2005

One of the main achievements has been the collaboration and development of an international
training program called AIDS International Training & Research Program (AITRP) which provides short
and long term professional trainings and research to local public health personnel supported by NIH,USA
Bridge is also a member of international coalition called Safe Injection Global Network (SIGN)
which aims to improve unsafe injection practices. |
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From Department of Maternal and Child Health, University of Alabama School of Public Health, Birmingham AL
Topic: 1. "The Contribution of Multiples to Maternal Health" 2. "Triplet pregnancies in women over 40 years of ages"
Venue: Abbassi Shaheed Hospital Karachi Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center Karachi Date: 15th November 2005
Topic: "The Diagnosis of Zygosity in Twins" Venue: Agha Khan University Hospital Karachi Date: 16th November 2005
Topic: Scientific Paper Writing Date: 17th November 2005
KATERINA BARCAL From University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Topic: "Ethical Issues" Venue: Bridge Consultants foundation Karachi Date: 18th November 2005
DR STEN VERMUND From Vanderbilt University, Tennessee USA
Topic: "Vaccine Preventable Diseases and New Vaccines" Venue: Pearl Continental Hotel Date: February 2006
DR. SHALA BAQI From University of California, Los Angeles USA.
Topic: "Opportunistic Infections in HIV/AIDS Patients" Venue: DUHS Karachi Date: 2007
SIBYLLE KRISTENSEN From University of Alabama at Birmingham USA.
Topic: "Research Proposal writing" Venue: Dow University of Health Sciences Date: March 2007
Topic: "Epi-Info statistical package & Public Health Research Data Analysis" Venue: National Institute of Public Administration
DR.JOSEPH TELFAIR : Assistant Professor,
From Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hematology/ Oncology School of Medicine University of Alabama at Birmingham
Topic: "Qualitative Research Methods, Focusing On HIV/AIDS" Venue: Karachi Date: 28th Feb to 2nd March 2005
Training on Research Methodology
Training on Data Analysis, EPI Info, Epi Data
Training on ethical issues in research involving human subjects
Training on counseling for risk reduction and behavior change
Training of Nurses on Syndromic Management of STIs and HIV/AIDS
Training on scientific writing
National workshop on Development of Guidelines for Infection Control
Training Workshop On Qualitative Research
Training on Institutional Review Board (IRB)
One Day Advocacy Workshop With Parliamentarians On Stigma and Discrimination Against HIV/AIDS Patients At Health Care Facilities.
One day Workshop on TB/HIV Co-infection at Marriot hotel Karachi on 25th Sep 2008, organized by Bridge.
Two days training Workshop on Counseling and Testing of TB patients for HIV infection. 12th-13th Sep 2008 organized by Bridge at Hyderabad.
Three days training Workshop on Grant Writing, organized by Bridge from 26th -28th June 2008 at Abbotabad. Supported by AIDS international
training and research program (AITRP) Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee, Fogarty International and National Institute of Health USA.
Three days training Workshop on Counseling and Testing of TB patients for HIV infection. 12th -14th May 2008, organized by Bridge at hotel Sarawan Karachi.
One day seminar on TB/HIV co-infection: Public Health Challenge in Pakistan. Organized by Bridge in collaboration with Sindh TB control program and
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation on 30th Nov 2007 at Karachi.
Grant writing Workshop organized by Bridge in collaboration with UAB team in March 2007.
Capacity Building of NGOs, CBOs, working on HIV/AIDS prevention in proposal development, report writing and computer skills.
Training of Peer Educators Working with vulnerable groups for HIV/AIDS prevention such as Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), Female Sex Workers (FSWs), Male Sex Workers (MSWs), Hijras and Prisoners.
Training of Health Care Providers including Family Physicians, Medical Officers, Nurses, and Informal Care Providers in Syndromic Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS.
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Seminars |
Advocacy Seminar On Antiretroviral Treatment of HIV/AIDS

Advocacy Seminar On “Changing Epidemiology” of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan
Seminar on Current Situation Of HIV/AIDS in Pakistan –Challenges and Opportunities
Seminar on Role of NGOs for Prevention of HIV/AIDS Among Vulnerable Populations
Seminar on STIs, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B, and C

B. Research Studies: |
Screening of TB patients for HIV infection in concentrated HIV epidemic setting.
Prevalence of Tuberculosis among Juvenile Detainees
HIV-1 Subtypes among different Most at Risk Populations in Pakistan
To evaluate the burden of Tuberculosis (TB), HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
among inmates of District Jail Malir, Karachi, Pakistan
Universal Screening for Syphilis of Antenatal Clinic attendees in Pakistan

Risk reduction for prevention of HIV/|AIDS, STIs, among adolescent and young adults in Karachi Pakistan.
HIV outbreak investigation among Injecting Drug Users in Larkana, Pakistan.
To assess stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS.
Syndromic Management Training for non-formal care providers in Pakistan improves quality of care for sexually transmitted disease: A Randomize clinical trial.
C. Advocacy: |
Advocacy workshop with parliamentarians (members of Provincial and National Assembly) for Antiretroviral Treatment of people living with (ART) of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV)
Advocacy workshop with opinion leader for TB DOTS
Advocacy meeting with opinion leaders for Safe Drinking Water and Hygiene Promotion
Consultative Meeting with NGOs on Stigma & Discrimination against HIV/AIDS Patients at Health care facilities
D. Publications: |
Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV/AIDS and Sexual Health Manual
JPMA special issue on HIV/AIDS in Pakistan.
Infection Control Manual
Resource book for people living with HIV/AIDS and their families.
Annual Reports
Training Workshop Reports
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